S10 v8 motor mount template
S10 v8 motor mount template

Keeping the bellhousing flange in the stock location when going from a Gen 1 small block Chevy to an LS motor is, effectively, putting 1″ of engine setback in your car. So, if your vehicle has tight clearance from the firewall to the engine, and you go with a mount that is said to put the engine in the stock location, you may have the engine hit the firewall. The original small block Chevy has the bellhousing flange roughly an inch behind the cylinder heads. One thing to keep in mind with LS swaps is that the LS motor has the bellhousing flange lined up flush with the driver’s side cylinder head. Paint the adapter plate powder coat as desired.(0.5625″ = 9/16″.) Some may need to be countersunk or tapped this is noted on the drawing. Drill out the holes to the diameter marked.Cut the plate to length with a chop saw or Sawzall.Use a center punch to mark the hole centers.(They’re designed for 4″ wide material.) Cut out the template and tape it to a piece of 1/4″ steel plate.Make sure to set the size option to actual size. Select the template that best fits your installation needs.What we’ve done here is create downloadable PDF files based on the measurements for the LS and traditional small block mounting holes, to make it easy to get your measurements right. There’s a couple different designs floating around out there that locate the motor in different places. These plates are easy to make out of steel plate – all you need is a chop saw and a drill. One of the most popular ways to fit an LS motor in place of a first generation small block or big block is to make a set of adapter plates that bolt to the side of the block that accept regular small block Chevy motor mounts. JEGS carries a great selection of engine mounts from Prothane, Energy Suspension, Lakewood, Trans Dapt and more for most car makes like: Mopar, Ford and Chevrolet motor mounts. High performance street cars, or daily drivers, typically use rubber or polyurethane motor mounts to isolate the vibration from transferring to the body of the car. More traditional solid motor mounts are also available from JEGS. This is a very strong solution to locate the engine and keep it from torquing. Race cars can sacrifice vibration for strength by using a solid steel engine plate to mount the engine. Motor Mounts are an important component of any car. Our mounts were designed using factory mounts as a template and with economical replacement costs in mind. These motor mounts have been specially designed by Bob Gumm to replace your factory V8 Monza engine mounts.

S10 v8 motor mount template