The most common ambigram is rotational, or inverted, and can be read in the same way when the paper is rotated 180 degrees (i.e. The other is Lake Reflection made by Daan Juttmann, it will allow you to generate words that can be read as if they are being reflected in a lake.If you need to create a Ambigramma for a tattoo or for your project, there are Generators online Ambigramma who can help you.Īn ambigram is a typographic art form that allows a word to be read in different directions. The font should be used with lowercase letters only. It will allow you to generate letters (not words) that can be read as another one when read upside down. One is called One Eighty created by Darren Rigby. Here we have collected two ambigram fonts for you to generate text designs for inspirations. If you need a decent ambigram design, we suggest you go for an ambigram artist, or try to make from existing fonts. Unfortunately, both are not available any more. There are two ambigram generators so far on the internet, they are the Ambimatic and the Glyphusion Ambigram Generator. It is not easy to design a perfect ambigram generator, and a decent ambigram generator involves tremendous work and sophisticated design. Good ambigram designs are usually customized ones created by hand. A word or a group of words will appear the same when you read them upside down (as shown in the picture) in a rotational ambigram design. The most common ambigram is the rotational ambigram. Ambigram is a kind of art that is designed in such a way that a word or a group of words within it can be presented the same or different from the original word or words when you view them from another viewpoint, direction or orientation.